68. Editing Your Life

As women, there are many areas where we can edit our life to become the best version of ourselves. The little things we do on a daily basis can add up to big changes over time. We all know the heavy feeling of overconsuming thoughts and being pulled into an unhealthy obsession at times. Pairing that with a need for multitasking and it can be a recipe for disaster.

Today we discuss a few strategies that have worked for us to combat overwhelm and feel more centered in life. We hope it can help prompt some solutions for you, too.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


69. HERstory: Elicia Shepard on Closing the Gap Between Stay at Home Moms and Working Moms


67. HERself Expert: Therapist Chasity Holcomb on Breaking Up with Mom Guilt and Letting Your Values Lead