HERself Podcast Course
A step-by-step guide to launching a podcast that helps you grow your community + become a go-to leader in your niche
start your podcasting journey today
Have your podcast into the world in just 6 weeks !
Who is this for?
You have a big mission of helping others with your voice. You have a message to share and a desire to build community in your niche. You want to earn money doing something you’re passionate about. This course is for absolutely EVERYONE.
Maybe you’re looking at some of your podcasting superheroes and thinking, “there’s no way I could have the same results, they’ve been doing this before podcasting was even cool.”
It’s simply not true that there’s no space for your podcast.
Course Contents
Our course includes six modules, tailor-made just for you:
Podcasting 101
Equipment and tech (made easy!)
Creating quality and consistent content
Launch like a pro
How to monetize your podcast
Growing your audience
In 2020, we launched the HERself Podcast, and since then, we’ve collectively had over 4 million downloads and built communities in our niches of thousands of women. We started with very little podcasting knowledge but a dream of inspiring and helping women.
We’ve earned over 6-figures in sponsorships, shared a mic with people we truly admire, and most importantly helped thousands of women through the power of audio.
And this is absolutely within reach for you, too. And why not start today?