8. Relationships: They Are WORK

Relationships take work. Period. And good relationships are worth putting the time and energy into. Progress over perfection is key to creating a relationship that two unique people can both enjoy but we all know that some advice is better than others. We give our honest thoughts on some of the common advice we have all heard and share what we’ve really found helpful.

Abby’s Takeaways

  1. Just because he does it differently, doesn’t make it wrong

  2. His opinions matter too

Amy’s Takeaways

  1. Learn how to argue

  2. Realize that you’re different people and lean into it

We will have our husbands back on next week to dig into these further and also give their take on growing in a relationship.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


9. Bring on the Men: Arguments, Communication, and Those Tough Conversations


7. Motherhood: What We Wish We Would’ve Known