157. Real Parenting: What to Do When the Script Doesn’t Work with Claire Lerner

We both have experience raising children who seem to not respond to gentle parenting. It has been frustrating for the both of us at times because it has made us feel isolated and exhausted. We are so excited to have Claire Lerner on today to share her expertise in this area.

Claire shares what to do if your child is wired differently during moments of aggression towards others. She explains that our children are not trying to be manipulative in any way, just that they need boundaries to help themselves regulate.

Have you ever wondered if timeouts are truly a thing of the past? Claire explains her concept of a safe space break and how this alone time can help kids get back to a place of calm.

With it being the middle of the holiday season, we know that these large family gatherings can be major triggers for our kiddos who tend to be big reactors. Claire helps us navigate the conversations we can have with not only our friends and family members, but with our children's teachers as well.

And next week, we will both share our learnings from implementing Claire's strategies into our own households. So be sure to tune in to hear how these teachings are helping us with our own personal situations at home.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


158. Real Parenting: How We Parent Our Big Reactors


156. All Your Questions Answered: The Episode Built Around Your Top Q’s