185. Peaceful Parenting: Getting on the Same Team as Your Child with @destini.ann

Destini Ann Davis is our guest today. She is a parenting coach, a working mom, and the author of Very Intentional Parenting: How to Raise Empowered Kids. She approaches parenting in a peaceful manner. Today, she talks with us about what this means and explains it in a way that we are all on the same team and we’re all trying to figure things out together.

Destini focuses on the energy that we can bring to parenting to really help everyone be more positive and peaceful and in return, we can raise children who are the same. She answers our questions on whether or not peaceful parents are raising entitled children, what to do when our approach to parenting differs from our partner, and how to use reflection and intention setting in parenting.

The continuing message throughout our conversation is centered around encouraging the parent and child to connect and communicate. If this episode resonated with you, we would love for you to share it on your Instagram stories and tag both @herselfpodcast and @destini.ann.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


186. Liz Fosslien Normalizing the Full Range of Emotions in Motherhood


184. Lisa Damour on Raising Kind, Respectful Adolescents (Starting When They’re Little)