169. A Conversation with Erica Djossa of @momwell on the Mental Load, Navigating Transitions & Getting Your Needs Met in Parenthood

You guys are in for a treat today because we have Erica Djossa, formerly known as Happy as a Mother, now known as Momwell, on the show. We feel like her mission and our mission here at the HERself podcast run side by side. We both try to get women and mothers the best information possible.

Throughout this interview we nod our heads along with all the advice Erica gives on topics including the invisible load in motherhood, what causes the feeling of being on edge, toxic positivity and so much more.

At the end of the episode, Erica speaks on Dads. We get asked so often, from you, about how your partner/husband can get resources. We wanted to make sure we covered that inside this interview as well. Because we all know Dads and partners struggle too.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


170. Keeping the Love in Our Partnerships After Kids with Sheina Schochet @loveafterbaby


168. Talking Codependency and Resentment with Vanessa Bennett and Dené Logan