230: Managing Family Life Like a Team with Michael Perry

In the past so many of you have requested more podcast episodes that are aimed towards dads. This one does just that. Our guest, Michael Perry, is a husband, dad of two young boys, and the founder of tech startup and household organization app Maple - which stands for Make All Parents Lives Easier.

It is easy to hear Michael’s passion for his work. He talks about his values and how they show up both in and out of his household. Michael touches on how he and his wife share the load and the responsibilities he takes on as a father. He also offers tips on how to empower your partner to step up more and share more of the work that comes with parenting. 

If you’ve implemented different strategies and systems to try to improve how your household functions but it doesn’t seem to be working, Michael offers suggestions on how a simple conversation about things can make the world of difference. We also know that at times, it can feel like we and our partner are giving each other the leftover version of ourselves. Michael touches on how we can bring the best version of ourselves to our families and how that might mean not giving 100% at work all the time.

We know this episode is going to really resonate with our male listeners so be sure to share this one with your partner!

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Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


231: Simplify Your Life with Robyn Conley Downs


229: My Partner Feels Like a Roommate, Now What? With Sheina Schochet from @loveafterbaby