16. HERself Expert: Psychologist Dr. Tracy Dalgleish on Managing Anxiety in a Pandemic

Tracy joins the podcast today. She is answering questions about individual stress, anxiety, and emotions as we all wade through the coronavirus epidemic. She walks through several positive strategies we can use to get out of our mind and into the present moment as much of our stress is anticipatory. With 40,000-50,000 thoughts a day, it is no wonder that we can feel overwhelmed. She teaches us strategies on how to bring self-compassion and awareness into our lives to help us. She also speaks to people that are in really tough situations: those that are pregnant, about to deliver a baby, and those that are on the front lines. 

We hope that you find this episode as helpful as we both did. It felt like an enormous hug, exactly when we needed it the most.


Dr. Tracy’s Website

Dr. Tracy’s Podcast: I’m Not Your Shrink

Be Connected Membership

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


17. HERself Expert: Dr. Tracy Dalgleish - Psychologist and Couples Therapist on How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy During Social Distancing


15. Coronavirus: What Our Lives Look Like