195. The Secrets to Long-Term Partnership with Dr. John Van Epp

It always feels good to get advice from those who are two steps ahead of us in life. And that’s exactly what today’s episode is. We have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. John Van Epp, developer of evidence based relationship programs. He also has his PhD in counseling and psychology. Dr. John Van Epp has over 44 years of marriage experience himself and has raised two daughters who are also in healthy marriages. You might even recognize one of his daughters; Dr. Morgan Cutlip, who has been on the show twice before!

Have you ever been at a point in your relationship where it feels more challenging than other times? Dr. John Van Epp explains that this is completely normal. He gives us evidence based examples of when relationships tend to struggle the most and walks us through how to get through those tough times. For many couples, the same argument keeps coming up time and time again. Dr. John Van Epp talks to us about the importance of not making it a you versus me thing but rather to dig deeper by trying to act like the other person’s defense attorney in order to come up with a resolution.

We loved our conversation with Dr. John Van Epp because it felt like he was giving us the wise advice that we all need. He is at a much different stage in life than most of us and it was refreshing to hear his take on things. If you loved this episode we would love it if you left us a rating and/or review wherever you listen to podcasts.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


196. Getting Your Needs Met


194. The Back to School Episode