194. The Back to School Episode

It’s almost back to school time! Since we both have soon to be second graders, almost kindergarteners, and younger kiddos, we thought we would do an episode all about this big transition! This time around we feel a little more experienced and open up to you about how the process of sending our littles off to school has gone for us.

In this episode, we start off by sharing our thoughts on the end of the summer pressure we put on ourselves as moms. We might feel like we haven’t done enough. But ask your kids what their favorite memory from this summer was. We think you might be surprised to hear that in their eyes, the little things are what matter most.

We share what caught us off guard as first time parents of kindergarteners. We touch on how with school comes a whole new bag of unexpected responsibilities for not only your child but for you as the parent as well. If you’re part of a household that has two, full-time working parents, juggling this new school year schedule definitely comes with its challenges. We share how we’ve had to build a bigger village than just our own couplehoods in order to get the help that we need.

With big transitions come big emotions. We want you to know that every feeling is valid. You and your little one have everything you need, you’re going to get through this, and don’t forget to have a little fun along the way!

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Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


195. The Secrets to Long-Term Partnership with Dr. John Van Epp


193. Melinda Moyer on the Research Behind Raising Kind, Generous, Grateful Children