193. Melinda Moyer on the Research Behind Raising Kind, Generous, Grateful Children

This conversation is chock-full of great information that we are so glad we get to insert into our own lives right away! Melinda Moyer, author of How to Raise Kids Who Aren’t Assholes, is our guest today. She is also the mom of two, contributing editor to Scientific American Magazine, weekly contributor to The New York Times and a faculty member in the science, health, and environmental reporting program at NYU.

We sometimes tend to think that talking about emotions too much with our kids may lead to them not being able to stand up for themselves or might make them too sensitive. Melinda explains why this is not true and how research has shown that strong soft skills, like emotional awareness, directly improve hard skills.

As a parent, we’ve all witnessed the dreaded scenario when our own kid treats someone else in a way that we are not proud of. Melinda coaches us through what to do in this scenario and how we can move forward from that. She also explains that saying sorry might not be the best solution, and what to foster instead.

We know so many of you are on the same page as us - you want to raise kind humans. In today’s conversation we take a deep dive into how to do just that. We hope you enjoy!

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Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


194. The Back to School Episode


192. Dr. Emily Jamea on Keeping Sex and Intimacy Alive After Children