198. Tracy D on Reconnecting with Your Partner

It is a well known fact that ⅔ of couples report decreases in their marital satisfaction in the first three years after having a child. Dr. Tracy Dalgleish is back on the show with us today to talk about what happens after those first three years. How do we reconnect with our partner? 

Dr. Tracy is a mom to two kids, a wife, and has over 15 years of practice as a clinical psychologist. She gives us advice on how we can find the passion in our relationship again when we are in the thick of raising littles. And it doesn’t have to be these big extravagant date nights. It’s more about the little things like a text in the middle of the day to let your partner know that you’re thinking about them.

Do you feel like your relationship with your partner is transactional? Or when you do get a chance to sneak in a date night - do you only talk about your kids? Dr. Tracy explains how we can go from the mundane conversation of, “how was your day” to the four “C’s”; curiosity, compassion, connection, and collaboration.

What we love about Dr. Tracy is that she shares her own, personal experiences with us as well. Which is one of the touch points in her upcoming book; I Didn’t Sign Up For This. In her book Dr. Tracy writes about the importance of sharing the stories of other couples, and her own, to help her clients relate and feel less alone. 

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


199. Katie Taylor on Having Hard Conversations with Our Kids


197. Greatest Hits: Nedra Tawwab on Reclaiming Yourself Through Setting Boundaries